C- cogentin
A- artane
P- parlodel
A- akineton
B- benadryl
L- larodopa
E- Eldepryl
S- symmetril
Increase protein and give B6
Tardive Dysinesia
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
E- equanil
Tolerance develop until seven days
A- void abrupt discontinuation after prolonged use
N- Not give if BP is up, hepatic/renal dysfunction or history of drug abuse
X-xanax, ativan, serax is also an anti-anxiety meds
I-increase in 3D's- drowsiness, dizziness, decreased BP
Enhances action of GABA
T-teach client to rise slowly from supine position
Y-es alcohol should also be avoided.
MAOI Drugs
Hypertensive crisis within several hours of ingestion of tyramine containing foods
Tyramine foods:
aged cheese, beer, ale, red wine, pickled foods, smoked or pickled fish, beef or chopped liver, avocado of figs.
A- asendin
T- tofranil
D-riving is contraindicated
E-ffect has a delayed onset of 7-21 days
P-regnancy consult with your physician
R-elieves symptoms but never cure
E- valuate vital sign
S-toppind drug abruptly is Out!
S-afety measures
I-nstruct to report undesirable side effect
O-bserve for suicidal tendencies
N-o alcohol or CNS depressants
Lithium- Eskalith
Increase risk of toxicity when given with: thiazide diuretics, methyldopa, and NSAIDs
Decrease lithium levels with excess sodium and antacids.
Increase CNS toxicity with Haloperidol
0.6-1.2 -meq/l Therapeutic Effect
> 1.5 meq/l Toxic
2.0 meq/l lethal
L- evel - therapeutic 0.6-1.2 meq/l
I-ncreased Urination
T-hirst Increased
H-eadaches and Tremors
I-ncreased fluids
M-orton's Salt -adequate intake
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Cara Cepat Menghafal Psychiatric Drug's
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Modern Phobias
I recently finished reading a book entitled 'Modern Phobias' by Tim Lihoreau. The book describes the new phobias that have emerged in western societies due to modernization.
I will list the modern Kuwaiti phobias that affect the population. You might identify with some of the following diseases. Of course, I must remind you that there are no cures or medication for these phobias and don't bother visiting a psychologist as he or she cannot desensitize you to the fear: we must learn to simply live with them.
'Walkalota' phobia
This fear arises when you arrive at a place and there is no valet parking available, that is there is no attendant to take your car and park it for you. Usually the sufferer is obliged to find his or her own parking and then walk a few minutes from the parking spot to the actual destination.
Symptoms include whining a lot, driving in circles, parking badly so that it is impossible for another driver to park next to you.
'Noraceed' phobia
This phobia occurs when a person's mobile credit is about to finish. A person with this illness is concerned that they will not be able to refill their credit which will inevitably cause them to be out of touch with the many people in their inner circle.
Symptoms: the sufferer will speak very fast so as to conserve as much 'raceed' as possible, and eventually will cause the person to 'miss-call' others to explain the dangerous situation they are in.
'Nocarservice' phobia
In Kuwait, we are not used to getting out of our cars to do anything. Car service is available at the gas station, corner store, video shop, pharmacy, to name but a few. This phobia will appear when a person has honked their horn a few times and no one has come running. The victim of this illness will be very confused and will be unaware of what to do next.
Symptoms include a look of bewilderment will be pasted on as the person proceeds to get out of the car and try to do something by themselves. The experience will likely be extremely shocking and disturbing.
'Noparliment' phobia
This is a very common fear in Kuwait, with many sufferers. This is when you are afraid to wake up and find that parliament has been dissolved. Although I must say this fear is valid and is based on actual occurrences.
Symptoms: frantically checking newspapers, TV and blogs to disprove what you hope is a rumor.
'Gannamelt' phobia
This is the fear that a certain location or room does not have air-conditioning. It gets so hot in Kuwait that one usually thinks that their skin is going to melt off. When a person feels a room getting warmer, this fear takes over.
Symptoms: compulsive fanning of the face, checking of the thermostat and occasional pit stains.
'Freshair' phobia
Kuwait seems to have the largest number of smokers per capita. There are no limits to where these smoker's light up: at the mall (under the no smoking sign), hospitals (beside the patients) and even in an elevator packed with 20 people (where half will be smoking). This phobia is brought on by a location that insists there is not to be any smoking. The person will panic at the simple thought that he or she will have to spend a short period of time without smoke billowing out their mouth.
Symptoms: lighting up a cigarette anyway, anxiously searching for the exit and screaming at any authority figure about how unacceptable this is.
'Trueface' phobia
This phobia mainly affects girls, and some boys. This is the fear that the makeup that you have applied in the morning is now fading. Sufferers are afraid that people will see the face that you were born with. Horrifying!!
Symptoms: smothering on any colored cream you find, hiding behind other people until you can rush home and in the most severe cases, wearing a 'nikab' just to hid your true face.
'Noflirting' phobia
This phobia makes its appearance during the weekend and affects both sexes equally. This is the fear that you are at a usual 'pick-up' joint and there is no one to flirt with.
Symptoms: driving around in circles in search of others in the same situation, calling all friends to find out where they are and eventually going to a mall to continue flirting there.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Theorists And Their Theories.........!!!!
Erickson, Tomlin & Swain - Modeling & Role-Modeling Theory (MRM)
Fitzpatrick, Joyce J. - Life Perspective Rhythm Model
Hall, Lydia E. - Core, Care and Cure Model
Henderson, Virginia - Definition of Nursing
King, Imogene M. - Systems Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment
Kolcaba, Katharine - Theory of Comfort
Leininger, Madeleine - Transcultural Nursing Model
Levine, Myra Estrin - The Conservation Model
Martinsen, Kari - Nursing Philosophy
Mercer, Ramona T. - Maternal Role Attainment
Neuman, Betty - The Neuman Systems Model
Neuman, Margaret - Health as Expanding Consciousness
Nightingale, Florence - (Systemic approach to health care)
Orem, Dorothea E. - Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory
Orlando, Ida Jean - Nursing Process Theory
Parse, Rosemarie Rizzo - Theory of Human Becoming
Peplau, Hildegard E. - Interpersonal Relations Model
Rogers, Martha E. - The Science of Unitary Human Beings
Roper, Logan & Tierney - The Elements of Nursing: A Model for Nursing Based on a Model of Living
Roy, Callista - The Roy Adaptation Model
Watson, Jean - Theory of Caring in Nursing
Wiedenbach, Ernestine - The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
Tips & Trick To Pass The Nursing Board Exam....!!!!
2. In your review session, I see people copying everything in the black board and does not anymore pay attention to the lecturer, try to listen more to what the lecturer has to say and just copy key points, remember you already took this up at school, the lecturer are only trying to refresh your mind. You will get lots of tips from your lecturer if you listen attentively that you could not find in textbooks.
3. When you get home, try to review what you have written down at review class.
4. Try to go over past board exam questions. Ex. Try to finish 300 questions weekly. It will improve your comprehension at the same time familiarize yourself on how they struture their questions.
5. Have a study partner and take turn to discuss specific areas to be reviewed (cardiovascular system, respiratory sytem, endo etc). As the saying goes "Two heads are better than one". If you can't concentrate at home because of distractions, try the coffee station, library or even go to the beach to study.
6. Make your mnemonics. Post it all around you- in the bathroom, bedside table, in your bag , in the car etc.
7. Focus more on Psychiatric, Maternal Nursing, Community Nursing and Research. Drugs are rarely asked in the Nursing Board Exam. Try to also go over some Nclex questions regarding prioritization. Remember, questions in the exam are to test your competence if you are qualified for an ENTRY LEVEL NURSE only.
8. Try to avoid fatty foods. Drink Vitamin B complex, it helps in blood circulation and better memory.
9. Recommended books are Carl Balita textbooks, Community Health Nursing, passed board exam questionnaires.
10. Think Positive! Love and pamper yourself because it will reep all benefits in the end.
11. It helps if you can group together and ask each other questions. It speeds up learning.
12. Decide on a study habit. Ex. 1 hour daily before you sleep.
13. If you are wondering, "What if i made a mistake shading the wrong box, should i go ahead and erase it and shade the correct one?" What i did was, if I know the correct answer and that I shaded the wrong box, i went off and corrected my answer. BUT, you have to make sure to shade the back portion also so that it will not create dent. Worked for me.
14. Pray! It can it really do wonders...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis
Activity Intolerance
Activity Intolerance, risk for
Disuse Syndrome, risk for
Diversional Activity Deficit
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Pattern Disturbance
Adaptive capacity: intercranial , decreased
Autonomic dysreflexia
Autonomic dysrelexia, risk for
Cardiac Output, decreased
Tissue perfusion, altered (specify): renal, cerebral, cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, peripheral
Ego integrity
Adjustment, impaired
Anxiety, death
Anxiety (specify level)
Body Image Disturbance
Coping, defensive
Coping, individual, ineffective
Decisional Conflict (specify)
Denial, ineffective
Energy Field Disturbance
Grieving, anticipatory
Grieving, dysfunctional
Personal Identity Disturbance
Post-Trauma Syndrome
Post-Trauma Syndrome, risk for
Rape-Trauma Syndrome
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: compound reaction
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: silent reaction
Relocation Stress Syndrome
Relocation Stress Syndrome, risk for
Self-Esteem, chronic low
Self-Esteem Disturbance
Self-Esteem, situational low
Self-Esteem, situational low, risk for
Sorrow, chronic
Spiritual distress
Spiritual distress, risk for
Spiritual well-being, enhanced, potential for
Bowel incontinence
Constipation, perceived
Constipation, risk for
Urinary incontinence, functional
Urinary incontinence, reflex
Urinary incontinence, stress
Urinary incontinence, total
Urinary incontinence, urge
Urinary incontinence, urge, risk for
Urinary elimination, altered
Urinary retention (acute/chronic)
Breastfeeding, effective
Breastfeeding, ineffective
Breastfeeding, interrupted
Dentition, altered
Failure to thrive, adult
Fluid volume deficit (active loss)
Fluid volume deficit (regulatory failure)
Fluid volume deficit, risk for
Fluid volume excess
Infant feeding pattern, ineffective
Nutrition: altered, less than body requirements
Nutrition: altered, risk for more than body requirements
Oral mucous membrane, altered
Swallowing, impaired
Self-care deficit (specify level): feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting
Confusion, acute
Confusion, chronic
Infant behavior, disorganized
Infant behavior, disorganized, risk for
Infant behavior, organized, potential for enhanced
Memory, impaired
Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk for
Sensory perception alterations (specify): visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, tactile, olfactory
Thought processes, altered
Unilateral neglect
Pain, acute
Pain, chronic
Airway Clearance, ineffective
Aspiration, risk for
Breathing Pattern, ineffective
Gas Exchange, impaired
Ventilation, spontaneous,inability to sustain
Ventilatory Weaning Response, dysfunctional (DVWR)
Body Temperature, altered, risk for
Environmental interpretation syndrome, impaired
Falls, risk for
Health Maintenance, altered
Home Maintenance Management, impaired
Infection, risk for
Injury, risk for
Latex Allergy Response
Latex Allergy Response, risk for
Mobility, impaired bed
Mobility, impaired physical
Mobility, impaired wheelchair
Perioperative Positioning Injury, risk for
Poisoning, risk for
Protection, altered
Self-Mutilation, risk for
Skin Integrity, impaired
Skin Integrity, impaired, risk for
Suffocation, risk for
Suicide, risk for
Surgical recovery, delayed
Thermoregulation, ineffective
Tissue integrity, impaired
Transfer ability, impaired wheelchair
Trauma, risk for
Violence, risk for, directed at self/others
Walking, impaired
Wandering (specify): sporadic, continual
Sexual Dysfunction
Sexuality Patterns, altered
Social Interaction
Caregiver Role Strain
Caregiver Role Strain, risk for
Communication, impaired, verbal
Community Coping, enhanced, potential for
Community Coping, ineffective
Family Coping, ineffective: compromised
Family Coping, ineffective: disabling
Family Coping, potential for growth
Family Process, altered: alcoholism
Family Processes, altered
Loneliness, risk for
Parent-Infant Attachment, insecure, risk for
Parent-Infant Attachment, altered, risk for
Parental Role Conflict
Parenting, altered
Parenting, altered, risk for
Relocation Stress syndrome
Role performance, altered
Social interaction, impaired
Social Isolation
Development, altered, risk for
Growth and Development, altered
Health-Seeking Behaviors (specify)
Knowledge Deficit (specify)
Noncompliance (specify)
Therapeutic Regimen: Community, ineffective management
Therapeutic Regimen: Families, ineffective management
Therapeutic Regimen: Individual, effective management
Therapeutic Regimen: Individual, ineffective management